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Gadus morhua

Skrei Atlantic cod

Common name: Norwegian Atlantic cod

Skrei Atlantic cod is an exceptional fish, offered only a few months a year. Pronounced "skré", premium cod are fished from January to April, when migrating from the Barents Sea to Norway's north coast. It is bigger; its shape is more pointed and its skin more colourful. It is more refined and it is very prized in fine gastronomy.

treatment Size Box
Whole H&G

2-4 kg
4-6 kg
6-8 kg
8+ kg
25 kg
ORIGIN: Norway
AVAILABILITY: January to April
  • Fishing technique: line caught.
  • Its very white flesh is lean.
  • It has a flaky texture, an unparalleled firmness and delicacy. Its taste is buttery and rich.
  • Rich in vitamins B12, B6 and D, as well as in selenium, phosphorus and iodine.
  • Its liver, eggs and tongue are also considered high-quality foods.

Wild Yellowfin tuna

