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Placopecten magellanicus

Wild Sea scallop

Sea scallop is shucked at sea to ensure its absolute freshness. Although it is fully edible, only the shell muscle is consumed.

treatment Size Box
Day boat

U-8 pcs/lb
U-10 pcs/lb
U-12 pcs/lb
U-15 pcs/lb
10-20 pcs/lb
20-30 pcs/lb
30-40 pcs/lb
8 lb
10 lb
ORIGIN: Canada, United States
AVAILABILITY: year-round
  • Its creamy-white flesh is lean.
  • It has a fleshy and melting texture. Its taste is slightly salty.
  • Rich in vitamins B12, as well as in phosphorus.
  • Relatively high sodium content.

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Wild Nordic shrimp

Frozen Sea scallop